


Happy Holidays! Wishing you a greener 2014

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

United States Secretary of State John Kerry Speaks About Clean Energy & Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
On November 18, 2013, at a meeting convened by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Inter-American Dialogue, Secretary Kerry spoke in favor of cooperation among the countries of the Western Hemisphere based on a relationship between equals, with the aim of strengthening democracy, investing in education, and combating climate change. Alluding to prosperity […]

ECPA Initiative Supports Sustainable Urban Planning of Vulnerable Community in Bolivia

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The cooperative community, Hábitat Para la Mujer Comunidad María Auxiliadora (CMA), lies on the outskirts of Cochabamba, Bolivia. This community of collectively owned properties was formed to help single mothers who were escaping unbearable living conditions entangled in domestic abuse. CMA is based off a model of collective ownership that emphasizes the role of women […]

ECPA Initiatives Advance Biomass and Solar Energy in Rural Peru

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
In Peru’s provincial capital of Otuzco, in the department of La Libertad, Peace Corps volunteers in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene program are building the capacity of a community to deploy and maintain its own biodigester. This ECPA initiative became a catalyst for other similar projects geared toward technological modernization and the strengthening of environmental […]

Ministers of Costa Rica Meet to Discuss Sustainable Transportation in Greater Metropolitan Areas

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
On November 29, 2013, a group of Costa Rican ministers and government officials met with the Environmental Network of Urban Mobility at the OAS National Office in San José. At the gathering, two studies were presented to decision makers: “Impact of Bicycle Lanes in Costa Rica” and “Obstacles and Opportunities for Non-Motorized Mobility in Greater […]

Clean Energy Solutions Center Offers Critical Assistance to ECPA Partners

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
The Clean Energy Solutions Center provides reports, data, tools, interactive expert assistance and training forums to encourage and facilitate the transition to a global clean energy economy. Services are available at no cost to all ECPA Partners, government agencies and specialized organizations and institutes assisting governments. Ron Benioff, of the Solutions Center, said that “we […]


Revisiting the Value of Agricultural Waste in Central America

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
SNV and VIOGAZ are jointly implementing an ECPA initiative on electricity generation from biogas. Energy savings derived from this technique is allowing coffee growers and swine farmers in Costa Rica and Honduras to increase profit margins by making significant energy savings in production processes. Additionally, anaerobic digestion offers the unique advantage of safely treating and […]

ECPA Initiative to Promote Regional Approach to Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean Basin Draws to Conclusion

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Shirley Heights National Park, photo credits: OAS In 2010, the Organization of American States started implementing an ECPA initiative aimed at supporting energy integration in the Caribbean. The initiative fostered regional dialogue on the technical and policy aspects of integration. Legal and technical support was provided to governments seeking to advance sustainable energy solutions, and […]

Mexico City’s “Public Pocket Park” Strategy Renovates Urban Spaces

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Photo credit left corner: Jose Luis Rubio, El Sol de Mexico Public spaces play an important role in the social, urban and economic makeup of cities. Many Latin American cities are embarked in the task of renovating their public spaces. In Mexico City, the local government established the Public Space Authority, whose purpose is to […]

Bolivia’s Center for Information on Renewable Energies Joins ECPA as Strategic Partner

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Meaningful access to reliable information is pivotal for sound decision-making. The Center for Information on Renewable Energies (CINER) based in Cochabamba, Bolivia, is joining ECPA to contribute to energy and climate information sharing and exchange. The goal of CINER is to support natural resources conservation with a focus on the rational use of energy. CINER […]

ECPA Clearinghouse Convenes Energy Roundtable at CREF 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
(Photo: OAS) The event offered an opportunity to discuss the Caribbean region’s potential to deploy renewable energy technologies, as their cost continues to fall and that of fossil fuels is trending upwards. Government and private sector analyzed the types of policies required to develop a regional market that will allow small island states to harness […]

Development of Clean Energy Entrepreneurial Capacity in Central America and the Caribbean

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
A fundamental ingredient of clean energy market growth is the capacity of entrepreneurs to design and manage the types of businesses that will expand the marketplace. New energy businesses may not be established without the human ingenuity required for these endeavors to come to fruition. ECPA is supporting entrepreneurial capacity development so that new sustainable […]

OAS Executive Secretariat for Integral Development Convenes Expert Panel on Sustainable Cities and Communities

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
(Photo: OAS) The cities of the Americas are experiencing dramatic changes derived from rising urbanization. Numerous cities are rapidly expanding beyond their planned limits, and the systems to provide them with water, sewerage, waste disposal, and other common services are becoming obsolete, inadequate and inefficient. These issues must be addressed insofar as cities are responsible […]

ECPA Launches New Initiative on Renewable Energy and Climate Science

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
In order to be effective, energy and climate policy making must be guided by robust scientific knowledge. Access to accurate, internationally accepted measurements and standards is therefore fundamental for policy decision making, as well as to assess the impacts of policies and mitigation efforts. The Organization of American States and the U.S. National Institute of […]

Scientists and Policy Makers to Discuss Impacts of Climate Change on Andean Water Resources

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
On November 20-21, 2013, the Andean Climate Change Inter-American Observatory Network (ACCION), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Andean Eco-region Sustainable Development Consortium (CONDENSAN, for its acronym in Spanish) will host a science policy workshop in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the “Impacts of Global Climate Change on Snow, Glaciers and Water […]

ECPA initiative on Access to Clean Energy in Honduras Hosts Photo Exhibit

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
(Photo credits: Darren Mahuron photography) Since 2011, the NGO Trees, Water & People (TWP) is implementing an ECPA initiative to improve the quality of life and livelihoods of impoverished communities in Peru and Honduras by providing them with reliable access to basic energy services. Through their work, people are learning how to build clean cookstoves […]


Portraits of an Illuminated Honduras

Thursday, October 03, 2013
On October 30th from 6pm – 9pm, ECPA implementer Trees, Water & People (TWP) will debut its photography exhibition, “Illuminating Opportunity,” in Fort Collins, Colorado to share the impacts of their work Increasing access to clean energy in Latin America. The collection of images captured by Fort Collins photographer Darren Mahuron, depict TWP’s ongoing […]

The Caribbean welcomes the Cradle to Cradle production method: The continuation of a best practice

Thursday, October 03, 2013
ECPA Caribbean Manager, Kevin de Cuba, traveled to Trinidad & Tobago on August 21-23 to introduce the Closed Loop Cycle Production concept (CLCP) to key stakeholders from the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation network. This project was successfully implemented in Ecuador and will be replicated in Trinidad and Tobago, thus contributing to the raising awareness and building […]

CREF 2013 to be convened in Aruba

Thursday, October 03, 2013
The Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF) co-hosted by the Government of Aruba will take place at the Westin Resort & Casino from October 9-11. The forum seeks to convey the region’s favorable outlook for renewable energy deployment. Prior to the event, the United States Departments of State and Energy, the Caribbean-Central American Action (CCAA) and […]

ECPA supports energy efficiency in Central America’s transport sector

Thursday, October 03, 2013
On August 7-8, the ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group convened the Second Seminar on Innovation, Science, and Technology for the Energy Efficient Development of Central America in Guatemala City to address energy efficiency in public transport. Experts from Central and South American countries shared their experiences on energy efficiency in this sector as a critical […]

Class of 2013 Fulbright NEXUS Scholars present research findings in Washington, DC

Thursday, October 03, 2013
The Fulbright Regional Network for Applied Research (NEXUS) concluded another year of successful research in the Americas at the Scholar Symposium “New Connections for a Changing Climate” held in Washington DC on September 18-19, 2013. Dan Kammen, Fulbright NEXUS Lead Scholar, and three other Senior ECPA Fellows– Jeff Soule, Frank Lowenstein, and Janaki R.R. Alavalapati […]

First International ACCION/UNESCO School on Andean Climate Variability and Change concludes in Lima

Thursday, October 03, 2013
The ECPA Andean Climate Change Inter-American Observatory Network (ACCION) is an initiative lead by the University at Albany-SUNY to build the capacity of young scientists across the Americas to analyze climate change-induced phenomena. Mathias Vuille, Senior ECPA Fellow and Associate Professor at the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences of the University at Albany, explained […]

Organization of American States and Green Growth Knowledge Platform partner for sustainable growth

Thursday, October 03, 2013
The OAS and the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) have recently formalized a knowledge partnership agreement that will expand knowledge generation, best practices sharing and communications and outreach support. All OAS Department of Sustainable Development networks and clearinghouse mechanisms will take part in this effort geared toward building awareness on energy and climate across the […]


El Salvador’s National Energy Council Replicates ECPA’s Energy Efficiency Working Group Training on Efficient Driving

Saturday, June 01, 2013
In March 2013 the National Energy Council (CNE) of El Salvador imparted a training session on improved driving techniques for defensive driving and fuel-savings. Through two days of intensive practical training, CNE assessed and reoriented the motor vehicle operation skills of eight government institutions. Participating agencies included the Ministry of Finance, Economy, Environment and Natural […]

ECPA at the Porto 21 World Forum in Portugal

Saturday, June 01, 2013
Richard Huber at the Porto21 World Forum held in Lisbon, Portugal The Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean ECPA initiative was presented at the Porto 21 World Forum held in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 16 and 17. The initiative implemented by the Organization of American States with support from the U.S. Department of […]

Climate Change Expert and ECPA Senior Fellow Roger Duncan Visits Brazil

Saturday, June 01, 2013
Washington, D.C. – ECPA Senior Fellow Roger Duncan, former General Manager at Austin Energy and a clean energy specialist, was in Brazil from April 22-25 to participate in a series of meetings and events around renewable energy and energy efficiency. During his visit in Porto Alegre, he offered a presentation at the 2nd Forum on […]


U.S. President Barack Obama Highlights ECPA in Visit to the Region

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
(Photo credits: Americas Quarterly) On April 29, prior to his visit to Latin America and the Caribbean, President Obama was interviewed by Americas Quarterly to discuss the purpose of his visit. The topic of energy was on the President’s agenda for his sixth trip to the region. “Our hemisphere produces one quarter of the world’s […]

U.S. Embassy in Costa Rica Announces Recipients of Funds for Green Initiatives under ECPA Framework

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
In this photo, Ambassador Anne Andrew and ECPA grant recipients San Jose – At the University of Costa Rica Planetarium in San Pedro, U.S. Ambassador to Costa Rica, Anne Andrew, announced the names of the five winners of the Clean Energy Regional Competition. Launched in 2012 by the U.S. Department of State, the aim of […]

The First International ACCIÓN/UNESCO Climate School on “Andean Climate Variability and Change”

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Lima, Peru – The Andean Climate Change Interandean Observatory Network (ACCIÓN), an initiative funded by the U.S. State Department and UNESCO’s International Hydrologic Program (IHP), invited atmospheric and environmental science students from Andean countries (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile) to participate in the First Climate School on “Andean Climate Variability and Change”, which will take place […]

ECPA’s Grand Earth Day Celebration throughout the Region

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Washington, D.C. – ECPA hosted four events to celebrate Earth Day in support of sustainable development and environmental protection. Celebrations began with the webinar Partners of the Americas and the Senior ECPA Fellows Program held on April 19 to address the issue of sustainable energy. The webinar was moderated by two Senior ECPA Fellows specialized […]

ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group and Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy of Bolivia Convene Energy Efficiency Workshop

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
La Paz, Bolivia – The ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy (MHE) of Bolivia co-hosted an energy efficiency workshop to discuss the guidelines of the Strategic Plan for Energy Efficiency and Conservation for the Plurinational State of Bolivia in a two-day event held on April 23-24, 2013. Nearly 120 […]

ECPA implementer wins the National Energy Globe Award Honduras 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
In the 18 months since the launch of its project Improving Access to Clean Energy in Latin America, ECPA grantee Trees, Water & People (TWP) has reached over 15,000 people in Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador with energy efficient and renewable energy solutions. In Honduras, over 2500 small scale solar lighting and mobile phone charging […]


The Solar Professionals’ Academy of the Americas will train 50 Solar Technicians in Central America and Mexico in 2013

Monday, April 01, 2013
The Solar Professionals’ Academy of the Americas (SPAA), an ECPA initiative implemented by Solar Energy International (SEI), will provide training on the design, installation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic systems in Central America and Mexico. The goal is to support private sector engagement in the clean energy industry. Microenterprise business planning, entrepreneurship and clean energy […]

ECPA Initiative for Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean launched

Monday, April 01, 2013
The ECPA initiative for Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean recently announced the recipients of 14 grants designed to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations and community associations to build sustainable communities and contribute to sustainable urban development. The initiative comes at a crucial time as the cities of the Americas are […]

ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group hosts Regional Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Saint Lucia

Monday, April 01, 2013
Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia—The Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS), through its Caribbean Sustainable Energy Program (CSEP), and the ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group hosted a workshop on energy efficiency designs for office and public buildings in tropical climates. The event took place at the Bay Gardens Inn in Rodney […]

ECPA initiative in Ecuador receives first Cradle-to-Cradle certification in Latin America

Monday, April 01, 2013
The Government of Ecuador and the OAS hosted a ceremony to award the first “Cradle-to-Cradle” (C2C) certification in Latin America. The event took place on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 at the Radisson hotel in Quito. The C2C certification is the result of the work conducted by the Closed Looped Cycle Production in the Americas Initiative […]

Coffee growers in Costa Rica utilize innovative energy model to cut production costs

Monday, April 01, 2013
A research project led by the University of Costa Rica (UCR) Research Center for Electrochemistry and Energy Chemistry (CELEQ) aims to create a new clean energy model applicable to the coffee milling industry in Central America. The model takes advantage of power generation opportunities and improves energy efficiency to address the problem of climate change […]

ECPA presented at the VIII Latin American Forum

Monday, April 01, 2013
Austin, Texas—Mark Lambrides, OAS Chief of the Energy and Climate Change Mitigation Section of the OAS Department of Sustainable Development, spoke at the VIII Latin American Forum hosted by University of Texas and the Council of the Americas. The event brought together high level officials from the region, including Hon. Edwin Rodas, Vice Minister of […]

ECPA to host energy efficiency workshop to support Bolivia in the development of a national policy on energy efficiency

Monday, April 01, 2013
The ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy of Bolivia (MHE) are organizing the workshop Proposals for the Establishment of a New National Energy Efficiency Policy for the Plurinational State of Bolivia, to be held on April 23 -24, 2013 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in La Paz. The event […]

Electricity interconnection study outlines possible future power connection between Saint Kitts and Nevis, and Nevis and Puerto Rico

Monday, April 01, 2013
Basseterre, Saint Kitts—On February 20, 2013, A workshop was held in Basseterre, Saint Kitts, to share the results of a study that looks into the potential for building an electricity interconnection via submarine cables between the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis and Puerto Rico. Senior government officials, electricity utility representatives and other key energy […]

Global Conversations hosts ECPA Week

Monday, April 01, 2013
Global Conversations, a climate change blog with over 2.5 million likes on Facebook and more than 24,000 followers on Twitter, hosted the ECPA Week with two blogs on forestry conservation authored by Senior ECPA Fellows Paul Westbrook and Dr. Janaki R. R. Alavalapati. This digital collaboration between Global Conversations and the ECPA Clearinghouse aims to […]

UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, highlights ECPA in his speech to the OAS Permanent Council

Monday, April 01, 2013
Washington, DC—On February 2, 2013, United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, referred to ECPA as a successful regional initiative while addressing the OAS Permanent Council. Together with two other projects —Connecting the Americas 2022 (an ECPA initiative) and the public-private partnership Pathways for Prosperity— ECPA was highlighted as a ‘good example of dynamism for […]

Senior ECPA Fellow in CBS News

Monday, April 01, 2013
On February 18, Senior ECPA Fellow, Mathias Vuille, an atmospheric science professor at University at Albany State University of New York – SUNY, shared with CBS News his opinion on climate change and severe weather conditions in the Northeast of the United States. He reminded viewers that, in order to look at the big picture, […]


Virginia Tech and the University of Belize collaborate to form a coalition to promote sustainable forestry in Central America

Friday, January 25, 2013
Central America faces severe deforestation and forest degradation due to myriad socioeconomic and institutional reasons. Since the region is part of the Mesoamerican biodiversity hotspot, biodiversity conservation becomes an even greater priority. Dr. Alavalapati, ECPA Fellow from Virginia Tech, traveled to Belmopan, Belize, on November 6-8, 2012 to host the Forum “Building Capacities for Sustainable […]

Powermundo, Peace Corps and Trees, Water & People Light up Rural Peru

Friday, January 25, 2013
In Peru, the Peace Corps, Trees, Water & People and PowerMundo are collaborating to implement the ECPA-supported initiative, “Improving Access to Clean Energy in Latin America”. As part of this multi-country initiative, PowerMundo and Peace Corps are working with Peruvians to provide light and clean energy in rural communities, thereby creating a new market niche […]

Colombian Scientist To Conduct Research at United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Lab Facilities

Friday, January 25, 2013
From November 2012 to September 2013, Juan Carlos Lopez, Senior Research Scientist at the Colombian National Coffee Research Center (CENICAFE) will participate in a scientific exchange in Peoria, Illinois. The purpose of this exchange is to study and develop the potential uses of the coffee waste stream as a source of biomass for generating renewable […]

NEXUS Fulbright Scholars To Research Climate Adaptation

Friday, January 25, 2013
The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs has selected 20 outstanding scholars to engage in collaborative thinking, analysis, problem-solving and multi-disciplinary research on improving the quality of life through environmental changes in the Western Hemisphere in one of three inter-related topics: Science, Technology and Innovation; Entrepreneurship; and Sustainable Energy. Approximately one-third […]

Peace Corps and Trees, Water & People Build Clean Cookstoves in the Village of Rio Abajo, El Salvador

Friday, January 25, 2013
Peace Corps and Trees, Water & People (TWP) are training Peace Corps Volunteers (PCV) to build clean cookstoves. The knowledge shared with local community leaders through this program provides communities with the skills required to build and maintain clean cookstoves. In the small rural village of Rio Abajo, in the municipality of Chalatenango, a total […]

Governments of South America Meet in Lima to Discuss Energy Efficiency under the Auspices of ECPA

Friday, January 25, 2013
On November 14-15, the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) of Peru and the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS), which operates the ECPA Clearinghouse, co-hosted the II Regional Symposium on Energy Efficiency in Lima. The Symposium addressed specific activities intended to foster energy efficiency at the national and regional […]

Ministry of Energy of Chile and Institute of the Americas Host Chile Energy Policy Roundtable

Friday, January 25, 2013
On November 12, 2012, the Institute of the Americas hosted the Chile Energy Roundtable in Santiago. Participants highlighted the importance of increasing transmission infrastructure and the need to connect the nation’s two electric grids in an effort to counteract high energy costs and strike a balance between sustainable development and economic growth. Addressing an audience […]



ECPA newsletter

Wednesday, November 14, 2012
US and Colombia Host Leaders of the Americas to Pursue Universal Access to Electricity – Energy Efficiency and Innovation Seminar in Costa Rica – Trees, Water & People Inaugurates Renewable Energy Center in Honduras – ECPA Energy Efficiency Pillar Roundtable – Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum 2012, Puerto Rico – Geothermal Congress for Latin America and […]

Boletim de Informações da ECPA

Thursday, November 01, 2012
Nesta Edição: EE.UU e Colombia recebem os representantes dos governos das Américas para discutir o acesso universal à electricidade Missão de intercâmbio México-El Salvador – Congresso regional de geotermia, 2012 – Fórum em Energia Renovável IRENA-CARILEC – Seminário em Inovação, Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento – Energicamente Eficiente na América Central – TWP e […]


ECPA Newsletter

Thursday, August 23, 2012
Inside this issue: U.S and Colombia Launch Connecting the Americas 2022 – Clearinghouse Hosts Regional Dialogue on ECPA activities at the OAS – Clearinghouse Hosts Technical Exchange on Thermal Retrofitting in Chile’s Bio Bio Region – Mexico City Workshop in Support of Energy Efficiency in the Americas – Clearinghouse Training Course on Closed Looped Cycle […]


ECPA Newsletter

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Inside this issue: Strong Policy and Tough Decisions Needed Clearinghouse Convenes Clean Production Meeting in Quito Clearinghouse Hosts Training Course on Geothermal Energy in El Salvador ECPA Caribbean Region Climate Adaptation Partnership Initiative to be Established Launch of the U.S.-Chile Energy Business Council Suriname Workshop in Support of Renewable Energy in the Caribbean Saint Kitts […]

2010-04-21Nuestra visión es un futuro energético y climático sostenible para el Hemisferio