Planning for Sustainable Economic Development Across the Americas

Tuesday, June 7, 2011 – Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Planning for Sustainable Economic Development Across the Americas

Global Urban Development (GUD) is designing and implementing Sustainable Economic Development Strategies to help enable Green Capitalism to succeed worldwide. GUD worked with the American Planning Association, the City of Curitiba, and the U.S. State Department to organize this historic meeting exploring the potential benefits of state/provincial, regional, and local Sustainable Economic Development Strategies from Argentina to Canada.

To see the meeting agenda click here
To see images of the event click here


  • Towards a Sustainable Economy: State of Delaware
    Stephanie A. McClellan, Ph.D.
    Policy Advisor for Clean Energy Economy
    Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
    See presentation
  • Sustainable Economic Development: An Overview
    Dr. Marc A. Weiss
    Chairman and CEO
    Global Urban Development
    See presentation
  • Key Latin American Initiatives
    Bernardo Baranda
    Institute for Transportation & Development Policy
    See presentation
  • The Portland Metro Climate Prosperity Project
    Robert Bennett
    Portland Sustainability Institute
    See presentation
  • San Antonio’s Mission Verde
    Larry Zinn
    President, Tejas Verde Group LLC
    Chairman, Mayor Castro’s Green Jobs Leadership Council
    See presentation
  • San Jose’s Green Vision: Can cities become richer by becoming greener?
    Paul Krutko
    President and CEO, Ann Arbor SPARK
    Former Chief Development Officer, City of San Jose, California
    See presentation
Posted By: N/A – Wednesday, 25 May, 2011 at 12:00 AM


Jun 07 - 08 2011


21:00 - 21:00
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