The Clean Energy Solutions Center helps governments design and adopt policies and programs that support the deployment of clean energy technologies. The Solutions Center offers Ask an Expert policy assistance, training and peer-to-peer learning forums and a rich library of technical tools and publications—all at no cost to users.
The Solutions Center supports ECPA countries in developing clean energy policy through its Ask an Expert service. Ask an Expert matches policymakers with one of the more than 50 global experts selected as authoritative leaders on specific clean energy finance and policy topics. ECPA countries can access no-cost expertise from a collaborative network of international clean energy experts. Solutions Center experts work remotely and in-person with policymakers to identify local and national goals and provide a personalized response to assess barriers and opportunities for clean energy solutions.
The Solutions Center and ECPA are already working together with countries to design and implement robust sustainable energy action plans and broader clean energy policy frameworks.
- In Antigua and Barbuda, the Solutions Center and ECPA assisted with the creation of a concept note for the Sustainable Island Resource Framework Fund. The concept note was developed to support the government in preparing a full business plan to operationalize the Fund, which looks to provide solid opportunities for Antigua and Barbuda to invest in renewable energy.
“With their help we have had stronger and more relevant results on the ground. The Solutions Center was great on Small Island developing states issues and I hope we can work with them in the future.”
(H.E. Ambassador Diann Black-Layne, Director, Department of Environment, Government of Antigua & Barbuda)
- In Belize, the Solutions Center and ECPA assisted with implementation of an innovative approach to redefine the role of energy utilities facilitating transformation of traditional utility business models focused on provision of reliable electricity and to also consider quality of life for customers. The approach integrates local capacity building for new small clean energy businesses to support both economic development and reduced fossil fuel dependence.
“The quality of work that has been provided to date is second to none and will enable Belize to meet its target of reducing its energy intensity for appliances and in buildings, and to serve as a replicable case study for the rest of the region.”
(Ambrose Tillett, Energy Director, Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utilities, Belize)
- In Chile, the Solutions Center worked with Chilean Renewable Energy Centre (CER) to develop energy access programs focused on renewable energy projects. The Solutions Center experts equipped CER with guidance and information needed to develop clean energy access programs and projects in remote and isolated communities within Chile. These programs have the potential to significantly increase deployment of renewable energy technologies in Chile.
ECPA and the Solutions Center are poised to help your government meet its goals. To get started with an expert, contact expert@cleanenergysolutions.org