New initiatives for sustainable development in the Americas
Last week, an event called “Discussion on Regional Activities under the framework of the ECPA” took place in Washington D.C. The main topic of discussion was the current ECPA initiatives that are implemented in the continent to ensure a sustainable development as well as an appropriate use of energy resources.
During the opening ceremony, OAS Executive Secretary for Integral Development, Jorge Saggiante, highlighted the work being done by the ECPA Framework with the support of member countries in an effort to achieve sustainable development.
Ambassador Andrés Gonzales Diaz, Permanent Representative of Colombia to the OAS, reminded the audience that the issue of energy resources was one of the pillars of the VI Summit of the Americas which was held in Cartagena de Indias last April. At the Summit Heads of State and Governments from the Americas determined that universalizing electricity access is a “feasible, possible and verifiable goal” and must be one of the political priorities of the following years due to its close link with the development of communities and the fight against poverty and climate change.
One of the initiatives highlighted in this event was the Energy Efficiency Group, which is coordinated by the Mexican government. The mission of this working group is to “promote the exchange of experiences and lessons learned in the Americas”. Similarly, there is an initiative about “sustainable communities in Central America and the Caribbean” which is focused in the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the resilience of natural hazards and sustainable transportation of residues.
The meeting was hosted by the Department of Sustainable Development at the Organization of American States (DSD/OAS) in conjunction with the US Department of State, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs and Partners of the Americas.
ECPA is a flexible mechanism through which governments in the Western Hemisphere, on a voluntary basis, may lead multi-country or bilateral initiatives to promote clean energy, advance energy security, fight energy poverty, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions for a Sustainable Americas.
Author: Infoandina