The contest will prioritize innovations developed and adopted by family farmers including, new technologies, water and soil management, and other actions that have helped to increase production efficiency and reduce vulnerability to climate change.
The contestant innovations must directly involve family farmers, small processors or businesses linked to any aspect of the food chain.
Cases must be submitted online in one of four categories: producer associations and NGOs, private companies, national research organizations, and international organizations.
The cases will be reviewed by an external panel and the winners (one per category) will receive a prize of US$5,000 to be distributed among the participants of the case and US$10,000 to support capacity building of the winning institutions. In addition, a member of each case will be invited to present in an awards ceremony to be held in Washington DC in 2016.
This contest is being conducted with resources from FONTAGRO and the Fund for the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and has the support of the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB, and the Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – IICA.
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