Quito, May 8, 2013 – Representatives of the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean are meeting in Quito to share experiences on how to increase the efficient use of electricity and public policy in the region.The executive secretary of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade), Victorio Oxilia, said to the press that this is a space for national dialogue to discuss and learn from one another how to advanced energy management in each of the 27 member countries.
Some 150 delegates are attending the V Latin American and Caribbean Seminar to further discuss and exchange policy implementation on this topic. Juan Cruz Monticelli, Energy Specialist of the Organization of American States and Working Group Manager of ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group participated in the first session which was titled: “Energy Efficiency Standards in the Region.” This session also included representatives of the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy of Mexico, Chilean Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Mining Planning Unit of Colombia.
To present the experiences and best international practices on the management of Energy Efficiency: sustainability, institutional frameworks and programs under implementation focused on measurement, planning, management, monitoring and evaluation of results.
- To disseminate lessons learned in the implementation of the institutional framework and the execution of national energy efficiency programs in the region and beyond.
- To highlight the efforts toward Standardization and Certification of efficient equipment.
- To analyze funding modalities of Energy Efficiency for the Region.
- To exchange experiences in measuring energy efficiency in consumer sectors.
- To know about the global trend in energy management (ISO 50001) and its applicability in the Region.
- To exhibit technologies and measures applicable to Efficient Transport.
- To present existing initiatives for the transition to efficient lighting in the Region.
To see the agenda, click here.
To learn more about this event and other OLADE events, visit: http://www.olade.org/en