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Replicable models for energy-efficient schools and buildings implemented in three cities

Sep 15, 2016

The ECPA is supporting three pilot projects carried out in three municipalities—Valdivia, Chile; Goiania, Brazil; and Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and Tobago—geared toward developing energy efficiency practices and policies with the potential of being replicable in other cities in the region. A team of Universidad Austral de Chile (UACh) recently conducted energy efficiency testing in a rural […]

Uprooted Lives: The Effects of Climate Change on Migration

Jul 01, 2016

In early 1999, less than three months after Hurricane Mitch had plowed through his fields, wiping out the corn, potatoes, and other crops he had planted, Israel Baíl headed for the United States to take his chances as an undocumented immigrant. Now back in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala, he looks back on that decision as his only option […]

A Project with Sizzle

Jun 01, 2016

In Guatemala City, a small pilot project to produce biodiesel from recycled cooking oil has shown so much potential that its organizers are hoping to scale it up to help power a whole fleet of city vehicles—with clear benefits for the air and water. At the Chicharronería “El Mañanero,” a bustling eatery located near La […]

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