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Forgetting the air about you: losing perspective on the environment

Aug 27, 2012

Beyond the mountains there are mountains. – Haitian saying …a problems got a problem til it’s gone… – Russell Tyrone Jones As a part of the lead up to the World Urban Form in Naples, Italy this September, the National Building Museum hosted an excellent series of dialogues covering forum topics. I attended one dialogue entitled Urban Mobility, Energy & Environmental Sustenance. […]

Peace Corps Collaboration Brings Hundred More Cookstoves to El Salvador

Aug 20, 2012

In developing countries like El Salvador, where many people lack access to basic energy infrastructure, women must spend hours each week collecting fuelwood to cook their family meals. (Photo by Sebastian Africano) For being slightly smaller than Massachusetts, El Salvador has a myriad of different cultures, socioeconomic realities, and geographic features. We’re now on our […]

Planning, Participation and Sustainable Cities

Jul 23, 2012

Sustainability has many definitions and provokes a wide range of concepts and approaches.  In many aspects sustainability has been overused and lacks the clarity needed to fully understand what it means for a particular place. In my experience stemming from years of hands-on planning in communities of all sizes and locations, one lesson is that […]

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