Workshop: Proposals for the establishment of the new national energy efficiency policy for Bolivia
Workshop: Proposals for the establishment of the new national energy efficiency policy for Bolivia
Place: Radisson Plaza & Convention Center – Av. Arce 2177- La Paz- Bolivia
Date: April 23-24, 2013
By invitation only
The ECPA Energy Efficiency Working Group and the Ministry of Hydrocarbons and Energy of Bolivia (MHE) are organizing the workshop Proposals for the Establishment of a New National Energy Efficiency Policy for the Plurinational State of Bolivia, to be held on April 23 -24, 2013 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in La Paz. The event aims to support the Government of Bolivia in the establishment of a new, more sustainable national energy efficiency policy, and of an energy efficiency network to contribute to its implementation through multi-sectoral dialogue.
Government specialists from Chile, Colombia, and Mexico will share their experiences in implementing energy efficiency policies. International and multilateral organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America, the Latin American Energy Organization and the Danish International Development Agency will provide their input on options to finance this effort.