Workshop on Mexico’s Experience in Energy Efficiency Strengthening
Workshop on Mexico’s Experience in Energy Efficiency Strengthening
The Energy Secretariat (SENER) and the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (CONUEE) of Mexico, with support from the U.S. State Department and the Organization of American States (OAS), are hosting a workshop geared toward promoting energy efficiency cooperation under the auspices of ECPA, by sharing its own experiences in this field with other governments of the Americas. On the first day of the workshop, the participants will be presented with best practices in energy efficiency policy making and implementation. On the second day, participants will make several technical visits to laboratories and institutions responsible for implementing some of Mexico’s most important energy efficiency policies.
Below you will find the presentations from the Workshop (in Spanish)
Ambassador Anthony Wayne’s Remarks, Ambassador of the United States to Mexico
Opening of Workshop on Mexican Experience in Energy Efficiency: Mark Lambrides, OAS
Development of Non-Conventional Energy Sources: Ivan Michel, SENER
Law and regulation for the sustainable use of energy: Marco Antonio Nieto Vázquez, CONUEE
CONUEE and the National Program for the Sustainable Use of Energy 2009 – 2012: Marco Antonio Nieto Vázquez, CONUEE
CONUEE Normalization Process: José Gabriel Marcoida Yañez, CONUEE
Bilateral Relations between UNDP and the Mexican Governance: Edgar Marin, UNDP
CONUEE Interaction with SENER and other government and private organizations on the development of energy efficiency policies, programs and projects and SENER: Katia Hernández Andrade, SENER
Contribution of multilateral and regional organizations in advancing energy efficiency:
- Arnaldo Viera de Carvalho, Interamerican Development Bank
- Nestor Luna, Latin Amercian Energy Organization
- Andrés Schuschny, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Leonard Deane, Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
- Juan Cruz Monticelli, OAS
Technical Visit to the laboratories of Normalization and Certification Association of the Electric Sector (ANCE): Martin Flores, ANCE
Institute of the National Workers’ Housing Fund (INFONAVIT) – Achievements on the Residential Green Mortgage Program: María Estela García, INFONAVIT l INFONAVIT Document
National Agency of Standards and Certification for Construction and Edification (ONNCCE) Presentation
The workshop took place at the Presidente Intercontinental Hotel in Mexico City, Mexico on March 21-22, 2012. For more information, please see the agenda. See photos of the workshop here!