Third Meeting of the Heavy Oil Working Group

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Third Meeting of the Heavy Oil Working Group

Natural Resources Canada hosted the third meeting of the Heavy Oil Working Group on April 19, 2012 in Mexico City, Mexico.

The Heavy Oil Working Group is an initiative that was launched in April 2010 at the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas Ministerial in Washington, D.C. This Group intends to bring together regional partners from the Americas to share experiences with heavy oil, update on the current state of technology, and discuss other areas of mutual interest, such as environmental and policy issues involved with heavy oil development.

The April meeting of the Heavy Oil Working Group involved the participation of representatives from governments, academia, industry and other relevant organizations. This meeting was scheduled for April 19 to allow participants to also attend the Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference (LACPEC), which took place April 16-18, 2012. Discussion at the meeting focused on the current operating environment, heavy oil technologies and pilot projects underway in the hemisphere. The meeting was a mixture of presentations and breakout sessions to facilitate interaction between all attendees and foster a useful dialogue.

Please find the Final Report from the meeting here. Additionally, see photos and presentations from the meeting can be found below:

For further information, please contact Aruna Rajulu or see the initiative page.

Posted By: N/A – Thursday, 15 March, 2012 at 12:00 AM

The event is finished.



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