Technical Exchange Mission to strengthen the energy efficiency of the residential sector
Technical Exchange Mission to strengthen the energy efficiency of the residential sector
Healthy, safe and energy efficient homes for the Americas.
WHAT: First Meeting l Montevideo, Uruguay
WHEN: May 22-23, 2014 l ANCAP Headquarters
WHERE: Paysandú y Avda. Libertador Brig. Gral. Lavalleja – 9th Floor
The Technical Exchange Mission to strengthen the energy efficiency of the residential sector is part of the activities of the Energy Efficiency Working Group chaired by the Mexican Government as part of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) framework. This Working Group is executed by the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS).
This Technical Exchange Mission seeks to promote the dialogue around the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). The WAP is a public policy managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which since its inception in 1976 has produced remarkable results in terms of energy savings, improved health, quality of life and safety for families, community building, mitigating climate change and creating green jobs. The program consists of training new workers as green or weatherizers, conducting energy audits in low-income households, and from modifications to achieve their objectives (health, safety and energy efficiency).
The first experience of program replication was carried out in Argentina since 2012 with the support of Weatherizers Without Borders (WWB), led by FOVISEE Foundation and supported by the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires, DOE, municipalities, universities and other local institutions.
During the first meeting of the Program, representatives from 6 countries in the continent will speak (USA, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, and Argentina) and then create spaces for discussion and debate, in which conclusions on the potential of the proposal are extracted and the next steps are identified.
For replication of the Weatherization Assistance Program in the housing sector as a public policy outside the U.S., the technical and technological knowledge developed should be tailored to the types of housing that exist in South America including cultural differences that determine the different lifestyles, economic resources and materials available. From there it can be developed appropriate training program for the Latin American context and in Spanish.
See program agenda of the event in Spanish, here.
ECPA presentation. Carolina Peña, Representante de OEA en Washington, EEUU.
U.S presentation. Mark Jackson, Vicepresidente Community Housing Partners – Energy Solutions Research and Training, Virginia, EEUU.
U.S presentation. Caleb Simon, Capacitador Senior de Community Housing Partners – Energy Solutions Research and Training, Virginia, EEUU.
Uruguay presentation. Rossanna González, Dirección Nacional de Energía.
Argentina presentation. Nicolás Maggio, presidente de la Fundación Fovisee, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Chile presentation. Carla Bardi, División de Eficiencia Energética, Ministerio de Energía, Chile.
Peru presentation. Guillermo Tardillo, Ministerio de Energía y Minas de Perú.
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