Technical Exchange Mission on Renewable Energy Infrastructure Planning and Management
Economic growth in the Western Hemisphere is driving an increase in energy demand, which is expected to rise by 20% by 2030. With regard to electricity, the need to promote sustainable social and economic development whilst ensuring stable access, building resilient infrastructure, and fostering the creation of new jobs in the energy industry must be combined with current energy scenarios in which the share of renewables and natural gas is taking center stage. In this context, the Organization of American States (OAS) supports its member states so that they may achieve their goals for sustainable, reliable, and diversified energy.
Description and objectives:
With the support of the governments of Costa Rica and the United States of America, the OAS Department of Sustainable Development, as the ECPA Technical Coordination Unit, is conducting a technical exchange mission to the Province of Guanacaste, in Costa Rica, to enable know-how sharing in the fields of geothermal, wind, and solar energy.
In 2018, Costa Rica generated 98% of its electricity through renewables. Further all of its population has access to electricity. The Central American nation’s experience in renewable energy is a model for the deployment of innovative systems that make renewable energy affordable and widely available, and develops solutions based on country-specific needs.
The exchange will allow experts from the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) to share their expertise, knowledge, and lessons learned with National Directors and Heads of Department in charge of electricity from Ministries of Energy in the Caribbean and Central America. The technical exchange mission will be followed by the Second Regional Preparatory Meeting of the 2020 ECPA Ministerial.
The event will provide insights and hands-on experience regarding the steps taken by Costa Rica to diversify its energy matrix, and the technical knowledge required to tap indigenous resources. The dialogue between participants and Costa Rican experts will facilitate the cross-fertilization of ideas that foster modern, integrated, and resilient energy infrastructure. Participants will also be exposed to Costa Rica’s experience in regional energy integration through its participation in the Central American Electrical Interconnection System (SIEPAC).