Round Table Event: Building Sustainable Cities and Communities in the Americas: From Demonstration Projects to Scale

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Round Table Event: Building Sustainable Cities and Communities in the Americas: From Demonstration Projects to Scale

On June 3, 2013, a high level Round Table Event will occur entitled: Building Sustainable Cities and Communities in the Americas: From Demonstration Projects to Scale on the margins of the 43rd OAS General Assembly.

Sustainable cities may be the Americas most ambitious agenda item — as our cities are experiencing explosive growth — harboring upwards of 80% of the population. The Americas Hemisphere is creating high value-added activities ranging from manufacturing to tradable services in order to create jobs and sustain growth. Urbanization provides market demand and remittances for the rural economy; fostering innovation, entrepreneurship, and diversification; offering jobs, income earning opportunities, and better access to technology; and, creating transparent local governance and civil society organizations.

Many cities are meeting the challenge. For example, Medellín, Colombia’s second largest city, is a safe and bustling city and one that has achieved international recognition as a sustainable city. Recent efforts to modernize public transit, create better public spaces and improve safety are transforming the city. These projects include the development of bus rapid transit — called MetroPlús — and the creation of a bike-share program. As a result, Medellín was awarded the 2012 Sustainable Transport Award.

Delegates from Medellín, Colombia and the Ministry of Cities of Brazil, as well as IDB Emerging and Sustainable Cities Platform,

US EPA’s Building Block and HUD’s Climate Showcase Communities Program will be present.

The meeting will be held at El Centro de Formación de la Cooperación Española and is open to the public.

To learn more about the Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribean ECPA intiative, click here.





9:00 AM-11:00 AM Introductions of Participants, Workshop Goals and Objectives

Andrew Griffin, US Department of State

Luisa Neira, Department of Sustainable Development of the OAS

  • Yuri Giustina (Director Accessibility and Urban Planning Policies, Ministry of Cities, Brazil)
  • José I. Larios (Emerging and Sustainable Cities Initiative, Inter-American Development Bank)
  • Kirstin Miller (Executive Director, EcoCity Builders)
  • Maria-Paz Gutierrez (Senior ECPA Fellow)
  • Ricardo José Arango (Manager, Local Organizing Committee, World Urban Forum, Medellín 2014)
  • Emma Zinsmeister (EPA)
  • Luis A. Fernandez (GeoSistec)
11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:30 AM Presentation by 14 Implementers of demonstration projects in clean energy and energy efficiency, transport, waste management, and resilience to natural hazards @ 10 minutes each:

Pillar I: Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency

  • Centro Alternativo Rural el Limón (CAREL)
  • Fundación Solar
  • Universidad Tecnológica La Salle (ULSA)
  • Universidad Nacional Agraria (UNA-Managua)
  • Fundación ProPetén
  • Centro Para la Investigación y Planificación del Desarrollo Maya Sotzíl
  • HOPE Nevis Incorporated

Pillar II: Resilience to Natural Hazards

1:00 PM Lunch Break
2:00 PM Continuation Presentation by 14 Implementers

Pillar III: Sustainable Transport Solutions

  • Centro de Derecho Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales (CEDARENA)-Fundación para el Desarrollo Urbano(FUDEU)
  • The Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College
  • University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus-Caribbean Network for Urban Land Management (CNULM)

Pillar IV: Waste management, Recycling (including electronic waste)

  • Plenty International Belize Ltd
  • Centro Regional del Convenio de Basilea para Centroamérica y México (CRCB-CAM)
  • The Grenada Project
  • Hermandad de Honduras OPD
3:30 PM Coffee Break
4:00 PM Break-out groups in the 4 Pillars

  • Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency – Volunteer Facilitator TBD
  • Sustainable Transport– Volunteer Facilitator TBD
  • Waste Management – Volunteer Facilitator TBD
  • Resilience to Natural Hazards– Volunteer Facilitator TBD
5:00 PM Wrap-up, Recommendations for Phase 2 Project, and Review of Proposed Sustainable Cities Declaration


Posted By: N/A – Monday, 13 May, 2013 at 12:00 AM


Jun 02 2013


21:00 - 21:00
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