Preparatory Process Toward The II ECPA Ministerial Meeting

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 8:30 AM – 4:15 PM

Preparatory Process Toward The II ECPA Ministerial Meeting

National Directorate of Energy

Mercedes 1041 (Lower Level)
Montevideo • Uruguay
Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Objective: To carry on with the preparatory process started in May 2014 in Mexico at the International Forum on Renewable Energy, geared toward setting the political and technical conditions required for the adoption of a Plan of Action for the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA).
Specific Objectives:
1. Review the mission and vision of ECPA.
2. Define a new leadership process to facilitate the participation of all countries in topics of their interest.
3. Re-launch the activities under the thematic areas of ECPA by means of a new structure based on emblematic projects.
4. Adopt a new process to strengthen ECPA through regular ministerial meetings.
Preparatory process: The background offered by the I Ministerial Meeting convened in Washington, DC in April 2010 serves as a basis to host sub-regional preparatory meetings for the Caribbean and Central, North and South America. Each sub-region will take stock of initiative and project progress and formulate common positions on topics of interest with a view to structuring a Plan of Action.
Posted By: N/A – Monday, 27 October, 2014 at 12:00 AM


Oct 28 2014


08:10 - 08:10
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