PAHO/WHO Webinar Series on Air Quality Related SDG Indicators: Session 3 – March 29



The aim of this webinar is to present the methods used to track progress on access to clean household energy for cooking and heating (SDG Indicator 7.1.2), current trends for the region of Latin American and Caribbean countries and planned technical cooperation activities.



Nearly 74 million people in the Americas rely in polluting fuels for cooking and heating. Household air pollution (HAP) aggravates ambient air pollution in the region, and it is responsible for at least a third of the air pollution burden of disease in the Americas. Furthermore, HAP affects disproportionately to the most vulnerable population, including women, children, and the elderly.

Addressing HAP is a top priority to reduce health inequities in the region. WHO is the custodial agency of Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 7.1.2, Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technologies for cooking. While the region has advanced on this indicator, further efforts are needed to close the gap for those still relying on polluting fuels for basic household energy needs. PAHO/WHO is making available for the region tools to advance on this goal as well as an ambitious strategy to eliminate polluting fuels by 2030.

This webinar session aims to present the methodology to estimate SDG 7.1.2, inform regional progress and introduce available tools for technical cooperation.


Target Audience

Officers at Ministries of Energy, Air Quality and Health responsible officers at MoH and MoH; focal points at Statistics Departments in charge of reporting Environmental Health SDG Indicators



5 min | Welcome /opening | Karla Cervantes-Martínez, Consultant. WHO-HQ, Geneva
30 min | Introduction to SDG 7.1.2: methods, progress report and LAC overview | Heather Adair-Rohani, Technical officer. WHO-HQ, Geneva
15 min | A closer look to WHO Tools on HAP | Karin Troncoso, Consultant. WHO-HQ, Geneva
15 min | Outlining PAHO technical cooperation opportunities towards SDG 7.1.2 progress in Latin America and the Caribbean | Juan Castillo, Regional advisor. PAHO, Washington D.C.
20 min | Q&A | Stephanie Montero, Consultant Clean AIr Institute
5 min | Closing remarks | Juan Castillo, Regional advisor. PAHO, Washington D.C.


Date: March 29th, 2023
Time: 10:00 am to 11:30 am ET




(Live interpretation to English, Spanish and Portuguese)


Mar 29 2023


ET (UTC- 4)
10:00 - 11:30



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