IV International Environmental Fair
IV International Environmental Fair
Bogota’s International Business and Exhibition Centre- Corferias–organizes the IV International Environmental Fair – FIMA.
FIMA is in South America, the main platform for the promotion of goods and services; and dissemination of programs and projects that promote the care, conservation and recovery of Natural Resources and the Environment. The ECPA initiative-Closed-Looped Cycle Production in the Americas (CLCP) executed by the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS) will participate in this event. CLCP Program Officer, Andrea Herrera will present the development of this ECPA initiative with a special focus on the program implementation in Colombia. Mrs. Herrera will also share with the audience the benefits of promoting a Circular Economy and the Cradle-to-Cradle® (C2C) concept. This presentation will take place at Corferias on June 5th, 2014 at 11:30 AM (Room 4-5). During the fair the Closed-Looped Cycle Production in the Americas team will have a stand to facilitate information to the program.
Event Structure
4-day fair with:
1. Commercial and institutional exposure
2. Forum update.
3. Platform Scheduling appointments.
4. Specialized academic agenda.
5. Complementary activities.
For more information, visit: http://feriadelmedioambiente.com/index.cfm.