IV Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean: “Energy Efficiency and Mobility”
IV Energy Efficiency Policy Dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean: “Energy Efficiency and Mobility”
Since 2010, ECLAC – in cooperation with the Government of Germany – has been holding annual events that aim to establish a “political dialogue” on energy efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The purpose of the “dialogue” is to establish a discussion forum at the political level to consolidate horizontally and international cooperation on the matter, identifying best practices in policy design rational and sustainable use of energy in the countries of the region.
This dialogue is part of the series of 3 previous dialogues (held in Chile, Dominican Republic and Panama), ECLAC- with the support of the governments of Mexico and Germany- will hold its IV Regional Policy Dialogue on Energy Efficiency”.
The event will take place on 21 and 22 November in Mexico city, in close coordination with the Ministry of Energy and the National Commission for the Efficient Use of Energy (Conuee) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico. This year, the central substantive theme Dialogue will be “Energy Efficiency and Mobility” with opening remarks by the Secretary of Energy of Mexico, the Deputy Director General of BMZ / Germany and the director DRNI / ECLAC.