IV ECPA Ministerial • Second Regional Preparatory Meeting
On November 7, 2018, representatives from 22 countries in the Americas met in Miami on the occasion of the First Regional Preparatory Meeting to present their progress with regard to energy sustainability, transition, and resilience. The meeting allowed for a frank dialogue among countries on the topics to be considered for the 2020 ECPA Ministerial to convene in Montego Bay. These topics focus on:
– Energy efficiency
– Resilient energy infrastructure planning
– Electric mobility
– Financing mechanisms to de-risk energy transition
– Use of natural gas and LNG
– Strategies for enhanced private sector engagement
– Bioenergy
Based on the inputs provided by the countries through their National Focal Points, the Steering Committee, with the support of the OAS, produced the agenda of the IV ECPA Ministerial Meeting, whose main theme is ‘Energy Resilience and Investment Opportunities’.
To apprise the National Focal Points of the objectives of Ministerial meeting in order to receive their inputs and promote a discussion focused on the priorities identified in Miami. The event will include a discussion on private sector engagement through the Americas Business Dialogue This exercise will help build a regional approach to issues of common interest in the field of energy, and forge collaborative actions under the ECPA umbrella, thus crystalizing the objectives of Ministerial meeting.