Integrated Utility Services Open Market Platform Model: A Delivery Mechanism for Demand Side EE, RE and DR Projects for the Caribbean?

Tuesday, October 23, 2018 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM

Integrated Utility Services Open Market Platform Model: A Delivery Mechanism for Demand Side EE, RE and DR Projects for the Caribbean?

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The Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance (REETA) Programme, which is being implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) is supporting the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat and the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in its efforts to making a shift toward greater utilization of sustainable energy options. The energy security challenges of Caribbean countries, linked to their disproportionate dependence on imported fossil fuels are well known, articulated, and especially in the context of their status as Small Island Development States (SIDS). All CARICOM member countries have recognized the importance of increasing energy security and have developed energy policy including targets for renewable energies (RE) and energy efficiency (EE). However, there has not been efficient progress on implementation of energy saving opportunities and RE options in buildings and small and medium size enterprises.


The idea is to identify and describe an IUS model – and the respective variants thereof – for the CARICOM region, that is capable of meeting the needs of key stakeholders including the utility, customer, regulator, investors, technology partners and energy service providers. The expectation is that the IUS model will consist of variations that are linked to (and suitably capture) the goals and internal capacity of the utilities as well as the regulatory structure within which they operate.


In the past decade, different stakeholders have conducted research and developed concepts for “kick starting” the ESCO markets within the Caribbean Community. There have been focuses on private as well as public ESCOs. The approach within this initiative is to concentrate on the IUS model and to develop concepts under the regional strategy on sustainable energy, for which energy efficiency is a key component. This would provide congruence between the policy designs and the model, ensuring that national-level incentives for energy efficient technologies, as well as the appropriate regulations and standards for consumer protection, are “suitably supported”. The connection with the Sustainable Energy Strategy and Policy of the CDB is also critical to the fundraising that is necessary for the project to be successful.

Posted By: AdminR – Wednesday, 10 October, 2018 at 12:00 AM


Oct 23 2018


11:10 - 11:10
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