Inclusive Energy Transitions for Greater Climate Ambition
At the COP 26 this November, leaders will seek to secure global net zero by 2050 and keep 1.5 degrees within reach. During the High-Level Dialogue on Energy, ECPA countries will share their experiences in phasing out coal consumption, fast-tracking electric mobility, and encouraging renewable energy investment while taking action to strengthen basic rights such as health and the rights of indigenous peoples, local communities, migrants, children, and vulnerable groups. Exchanges will highlight the link between energy transitions and development, gender, and climate justice.
As the nations of the Americas prepare to meet in Glasgow, this high-level dialogue will allow decision-makers to reflect on ways to achieve a more inclusive energy future while accelerating disruptive energy technologies and policies to adapt to and mitigate the effects of rising global temperatures.
09:00 AM – Welcome remarks
- Jorge Rivera Staff, National Energy Secretary of Panama
- Rolando Castro Córdoba, Vice-Minister of Energy and Environment of Costa Rica
- Erika Mouynes, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Panama
09:15 AM – Inclusive Energy Transitions for Greater Climate Ambition
- Angela Wilkinson, Secretary General, World Energy Council
09:50 AM – Q&A
10:00 AM – Panel: Transport and Renewable Energy: Phasing out Fossil Fuels
- Laura Lizano, Director of Energy and Planning, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
- Guadalupe González, Director of Electricity, National Energy Secretariat, Panama
- Linda Barrera, Chief Counsel, California Energy Commission
- Juan C. Monticelli, Energy Section Chief, OAS