Green Growth Knowledge Platform Presentation
Green Growth Knowledge Platform Presentation
In January 2012, the World Bank, together with the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) established the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP). This partnership has since grown to include over 30 leading international organizations, research institutes, and think tanks, working to identify and address major knowledge gaps in green growth theory and practice through collaboration and coordinated research.
In 2013, the GGKP office relocated from the World Bank in Washington, D.C. to Geneva, Switzerland where it is now jointly managed by UNEP and GGGI. The World Bank, as one of the GGKP’s founding partners, continues to provide strategic oversight as a member of the GGKP’s Steering Committee.
In this BBL, moderated by Marianne Fay, Chief Economist for SDN and CCG, the GGKP will present an overview of its main activities from the past year, including a presentation of its new web-based knowledge platform (, and an in-depth discussion on its research program. Core to the GGKP’s research program has been the establishment of research committees on priority topics. Drawing together experts from across the GGKP partner organizations, these committees are working to collaboratively assess the state of knowledge, identify and prioritize knowledge gaps and promote a broader research agenda. Co-chairs from each of the research committees will share insights into the work their committees are carrying out and what they hope to achieve.
· Update on GGKP activities – Ben Simmons, Head, GGKP
- Overview of new GGKP web platform – Amanda McKee, Communications and Outreach, GGKP
- Presentation of the GGKP Research Committees:
o Fiscal Instruments – Ian Parry, Principle Environmental Fiscal Policy Expert, IMF
o Trade and Competitiveness – Marianne Fay, Chief Economist, World Bank
o Indicators and Measurement – Ulf Narloch, Junior Professional Officer, World Bank
o Technology and Innovation – Colin McCormick, Innovation Program Lead and Senior Advisor, GGGI
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