Google+ Conversation with Al Gore on Combating Climate Change
Google+ Conversation with Al Gore on Combating Climate Change
In 2006, An Inconvenient Truth woke the world up to the reality of the climate crisis. But global leaders failed to act, and climate change has accelerated, making the film’s message more urgent than ever. We have curated a collection of activities for you to get informed, get involved, use the power of your wallet, and mobilize your networks to send a message that climate change matters to you. Taken together, these actions will have a huge ripple effect. This is the challenge of our time. It’s up to us to solve it!
Seven years ago former Vice President Al Gore released An Inconvenient Truth, kick-starting a global conversation about climate change (available on Google Play: The issue is as pressing as ever and Gore and Jeff Skoll, the film’s executive producer, want to hear your ideas (
Throughout the coming week add your thoughts and questions in the Science on G+ Community ( Gore and Skoll will choose the most insightful participants to join them in a live Hangout on Air on June 11th at 2PM EST – come back then to tune in to the Conversation!