Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global)
Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global)
Five years ago, Washington, D.C. welcomed hundreds of international delegates and thought leaders to what is now the most influential gathering of energy efficiency professionals the world over: the Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global). After Paris, a record-breaking return to D.C. and a spot in Europe’s political epicenter, EE Global is back in the United States and poised to bring its proven brand of high—level networking, innovation—sharing and action—inspiring energy efficiency discourse to the movers and shakers in the industry. So get ready for EE Global 2012, March 27-29 in Orlando, Florida!
The Peabody Resort in Orlando, Florida is the home of EE Global 2012 and neighbor to Disney World, the largest and most iconic dream land on earth. Fittingly, EE Global 2012’s goal is to make energy efficiency dreams come true – to focus on implementation of global best practices and on the technologies and policies that will take energy efficiency beyond a low-hanging fruit and into the mainstream. (Source: EE Global Website).
For more information, please visit the EE Global Website.