Electric Mobility in the Americas: Regional Strategies for Common Challenges
Conference & High Level Dialogue
- Decision-makers and experts from energy ministries in the Americas
- Entrepreneurs, industry, and financing institutions
- Research and academic institutions
To facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned in electric mobility among countries in the Americas in order to contribute to the deployment of consistent policies, regulations, and standards. Participants will:
- Gain insight on electric mobility strategies, global trends, best practices and lessons learned within and outside the region.
- Share knowledge on safe, efficient, and sustainable standards and regulations related to electric mobility.
- Share experiences on sustainable transport policies.
- Exchange information on shared electric mobility challenges among ECPA countries.
- Explore opportunities for regional collaboration.
All sessions will be recorded in order to prepare a Document of Conclusions after the event.
Expected outcome:
Design and implementation of voluntary agreements among countries, aimed at identifying synergies and proposing collaborative actions on electric mobility.
See agenda, here.
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