Economic recovery after Covid-19: The role of the energy sector
La reactivación económica después del COVID-19: el papel del sector energético from el BID – the IDB on Vimeo.
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Americas Business Dialogue (ABD) jointly organize the webinar: The economic recovery after COVID-19: the role of the energy sector.
The objective of this webinar is to discuss the role that the energy sector should play in reviving the economy in the region after the health emergency of COVID-19. Infrastructure plans have been widely used by governments in reviving the economy due to the potential effects they can have on job creation and new value chains.
Some national and local governments in the current context are already creating economic stimulus plans through investments in renewable energy, simplifying procedures and capturing opportunities from rapidly deploying infrastructures. How should Latin America and the Caribbean use the energy sector for economic recovery?
Additional Information: Luis Carlos Pérez, luisper@iadb.org