Disruptors & Energy Transition Forum

Tuesday, July 25, 2017 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Disruptors & Energy Transition Forum

Place: Santiago, Chile Santiago Marriott Hotel
Contact: Diana Rodriguez


This event will be held in Spanish with interpretation


    • Andres Rebolledo, Minister of Energy of Chile
    • Alejandro Valerio Sruoga, Secretary of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mining of Argentina
    • Marcela Angulo, Manager for Technology Capacity, Corfo
    • Rodrigo Cuadros, Solutions Development Director, ENGIE Energía Chile
    • Monica De Martino, Head of Regulatory, Enel Group Chile
    • Pierre Devillers, Country Manager, Engie Chile
    • Paula Estevez Weinstein, Head of International Department, Ministry of Energy
    • Ismario G. Gonzalez, VP Channel Strategy & Global Business Development, AES Energy Storage
    • Jorge Gonzalez, Deputy Manager for SME’s, BancoEstado
    • Julio Lira, Chairman of the Energy Commission, College of Engineers of Chile
    • Juan Cruz Monticelli, Department of Sustainable Development Executive Secretariat for Integral Development, Organization of American States (OAS)
    • Francisco Mualim, CEO, Chilquinta Energía
    • Nelson Muñoz, Principal Advisor, China Three Gorges Corp. China Int. Water & Electric Corp.
    • Ricardo Raineri, Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
    • Martin Rocher, General Manager, Total Solar Latin America
    • Andres Romero Celedon, Executive Secretary, Comisión Nacional de Energía (CNE)
    • Daniel Salazar, Executive Director, Coordinador Eléctrico Nacional
    • Alfredo Solar, General Manager, Atlas Renewable Energy
    • Aravind Yarlagadda, VP of Global Portfolio, Power Industry, Schneider Electric
  • Well before the landmark Paris Accord was signed, the world had embarked on an energy transition and deep transformation. What many refer to as the 3 D’s — decarbonization, digitalization and decentralization — have been increasingly embraced by industry and government alike as solutions to the vexing challenges of a modern energy sector that supports economic development in a sustainable manner. Certainly, renewable energy is a prominent piece of the energy transition puzzle, but there must also be significant innovation in technology, financing, and business models on both the supply and demand side of energy systems. And nowhere is this more evident than in our hemisphere. Technological innovation is poised to be a key element for insuring the energy industry’s profitability and competiveness and perhaps nowhere is this more critical than with digitalization and data. But in addition to technological innovation is the role of entrepreneurs in driving changes and developing new technologies and new ways to view energy markets.
  • There are two overarching elements to meeting the region’s energy transition challenge: reducing emissions stemming from energy supply by increasing the share of low-carbon energy in the supply mix and moderating growth in demand for energy by profoundly increasing energy productivity. This latter element is often summarized by the word “disruptors.” Popular across a wide range of sectors, what the term truly speaks to is a breakthrough that literally disrupts energy systems on all levels and segments. Energy storage is most often portrayed as the most likely disruptor facing the region’s energy sector, but there are others. The Industrial Internet of Things and increased use of data analytics are increasingly part of the energy transition conversation, particularly in terms of boosting productivity. By some accounts we generate 50,000 gigabytes of data per second. There are myriad ways to unravel and analyze this data and the energy sector is grappling with several approaches.


Sempra Energy Chilquinta


British Chamber of Commercec


Steering Group

For more information, click here.

Posted By: AdminR – Thursday, 01 June, 2017 at 12:00 AM


Jul 25 2017


08:00 - 08:00
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