Clean Energy Financing Forum in Central America and the Caribbean (CEFF-CAC)
Clean Energy Financing Forum in Central America and the Caribbean (CEFF-CAC)
We are pleased to announce the date for the CTI PFAN Clean Energy Financing Forum in Central America and the Caribbean (CEFF-CAC) in San Pedro Sula, Honduras on April 24-25, 2013.
CEFF-CAC is primarily targeted at investors and financiers (including donors and philanthropic investors) engaged in the clean energy and technology sectors in Central America and the Caribbean. However, all other market participants and stakeholders in the sector are welcome to attend the Forum. There is no charge for participation. Please register online at by Friday, April 12th, 2013.
CEFF-CAC will bring together leading clean energy entrepreneurs in Central America and the Caribbean with investors, fund managers and financiers that specialize in Latin America and the Caribbean?s clean energy sectors. The Forum, which includes a business plan competition, will showcase some of the most promising clean energy investment opportunities in the region.
10 specially selected clean and renewable energy projects from around Central America and the Caribbean will present their business plans at the Forum. The projects were selected for their commercial viability and environmental benefits from over 40 project proposals and have all received intensive coaching on the preparation of their business plans and investor pitches from CTI PFAN professional advisors. Summary of selected projects (Data Sheet) will be provided to investors, fund managers, bankers, donors, etc. confirming attendance, 10 days prior to the event. A number of the best other projects from the CTI PFAN CAC applicants will also be in attendance at the Forum.
For investors, CEFF-CAC will be a great opportunity to access a select group of clean energy projects with high profit potential, verified environmental and development benefits, which are ready for investment. It also provides a place to network with those entrepreneurs, project developers and other market participants and learn more about the market for clean energy investment and financing in Central America and the Caribbean.
Day 1 (Wednesday, April 24th) will be for rehearsal of project presentations before the panel of judges. A cocktail reception will be hosted by Banco Atlantida of Honduras at 7:00 p.m. at the Inter-Continental Hotel.
Day 2 (Thursday, April 25th) will be the Financial Forum and Business Plan Competition, open to the attendees. The final agenda will be posted on the CTI PFAN website one month before the conference.
CEFF-CAC is sponsored by the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) and its Private Financing Advisory Network (CTI PFAN), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), the International Center for Environmental Technology Transfer (ICETT) and Banco Atlantida of Honduras. It will be organized in cooperation with a number of local partners, including the Honduran Association of Renewable Energy Producers (AHPER), as Co-Organizer, and the Energy Chamber of Trinidad & Tobago, and the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ), as Co-Organizers / Event Partners.
CEFF-CAC will take place at the Inter-Continental Hotel in San Pedro Sula. A special rate of US$179.80/night + taxes has been negotiated and rooms have been locked to accommodate international attendees. Hotel reservations shall be handled directly by attendees by contacting: Ms. Sanda Bonilla at, tel. +504 2545 2517. Please mention your participation at CEFF-CAC to obtain the special rate.
We look forward to welcoming you to the CTI PFAN Clean Energy Financing Forum in Central America and the Caribbean in April 2013.