Chile Energy Roundtable
Chile Energy Roundtable
Date: June 24, 2014
Place: Santiago, Chile, Hotel Intercontinental Las Condes
Contact: Diana Rodríguez
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The topic of energy figured prominently in Chile’s election last year. Chile currently imports 97 percent of its fossil fuels and depends on hydropower for 42 percent of its electricity generation. Given her previous term, Ms. Bachelet arrived at La Moneda fairly well-versed in the issues surrounding the country’s energy woes. But with the country’s economic growth in recent years, the need to address the problem has become ever more urgent. Indeed, according to the Chilean Electric Power Association, power consumption in Chile will double by 2025.
Panels will assess the concrete steps for action being proposed, the need to move past diagnosis, finding areas for dialogue between the government, NGO’s and private sector, incentivizing competition in the electric generation market, and where sources such as natural gas/LNG, coal, and renewables fit for Chile’s energy matrix.
- Máximo Pacheco Matte, Minister of Energy
- Felipe Cerón, CEO, AES Gener
- Gener Renny López, Director – Energy, CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
- Franciso Mualim, CEO, Chilquinta