[CARICOM Knowledge Webinars] Energy Pricing, Part II: My Electricity Bill

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

[CARICOM Knowledge Webinars] Energy Pricing, Part II: My Electricity Bill

  • What are the factors that contribute to my electricity bill?

  • How is the money that is paid to the utility for a unit of electricity distributed among the players?

Historically, electricity utilities were public entities, with responsibility for balancing investments in power – generation and grid – infrastructure, as well as their operating costs with customer charges. The current paradigm is one, however, where many electricity utilities have been wholly or partly privatized. As a consequence, many countries have established independent regulatory authorities to determine the electricity rates. The general principle is that the rates should provide fair returns on capital investments and operating expenses while simultaneously ensuring that reliable and affordable electricity services that is predictable in pricing, quality and supply are provided to citizens.Electricity prices generally reflect the costs to build, finance, maintain, and operate power plants and the electricity grid. There are several key factors that influence the unit (kilowatt hour) price of electricity:

  • Fuel type (and cost)
  • Power plant type (investment and operating cost)
  • Transmission and distribution systems cost
  • Government taxesAnd our electricity bills are typically determined by three main elements, viz.:
  • The quantity of electricity used
  • The tariff for the electricity used, which often times vary for different categories of customer
  • (In a majority of cases) the fuel pass through or fuel surcharge cost

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Wed, Nov 23, 2016 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EST

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Posted By: AdminR – Friday, 18 November, 2016 at 12:00 AM


Nov 23 2016


09:00 - 09:00
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