Advancing Caribbean Energy Resilience: Island Energy Transformation Training Series
The Organization of American States and the U.S. Department of Energy, under the auspices of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), will hold the “Advancing Caribbean Energy Resilience (ACER): Island Energy Transformation” Training Series as part of the Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF). The training series will bring together energy experts, policymakers, regulators, utility officials, and the private sector to learn about tools and methodologies developed by several U.S. National Laboratories through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Transitions Initiative to support energy sector transformation.
Sessions in the series will feature: (1) fundamentals of electric power systems, including governance and institutional considerations for resilience; (2) approaches to identifying critical infrastructure and operational objectives, (3) requirements of robust procurement processes, and (4) finance elements to enhance the economic viability of projects. During each session, participants will engage in practical exercises and/or discussions on governance, innovative technologies, procurement, and financial considerations necessary to develop successful transformational energy sector strategies to power economic development in the Caribbean.
For more information, please contact the ECPA Technical Coordination Unit.