Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative (SECBI) Call for Expression of Interest
Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative (SECBI) Call for Expression of Interest
The Department for Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS/DSD) is launching this “Call for Expression of Interest” under the framework of the Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative, which is implemented under the auspices of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA).
The Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative (SECBI) addresses critical commercialization challenges related to expanding the development and use of sustainable energy alternatives as a means of injecting more affordable and less environmentally-harmful energy technologies into the energy matrices of Caribbean countries.
The purpose of this call is to solicit Expressions of Interest (EOI) from countries wishing to receive technical assistance for initiatives beyond the current efforts of OAS/DSD in sustainable energy. The selection of the target countries will be based on the description of the request, relevance the assistance required, and the proposal’s alignment with the aims and objectives of OAS/DSD projects and programs (See Section 3 for evaluation criteria).
Strategic planning meetings will be conducted in each country that receives support through this Expression of Interest. The meetings will identify priorities for project development in the target country, including identification of key challenges and opportunities. Additionally, the strategic meetings will help target countries to develop a plan for technical assistance and/or capacity building. The OAS/DSD will work to ensure equitable gender representation at each meeting.
Depending on the needs and priorities in each target country, assistance provided through OAS/DSD may involve support from external experts through the delivery of training seminars to address key topics related to sustainable energy project development
Expressions of Interest may target, but are not limited, to the following main categories:
(a) Tendering. Support could include training for preparation of bidding documents, due diligence on bidders, securing and evaluating technical proposals, identification of commercial and bankable energy saving opportunities.
(b) Project finance assistance. Support could include training for identifying project financing, and facilitating public-private partnerships for sustainable energy projects.
(c) Contract negotiation. Support could include training for drafting energy laws and regulations, conducting legal reviews, and negotiating power purchase agreements and contracts.
2. Eligibility:
Governmental agencies and departments from SECBI’s beneficiary countries are eligible. These countries include: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.
Submission of Request:
Please complete the attached project proposal template (maximum of 4 pages) and submit via electronic mail to by Monday December 1st, 2014.
The project concepts must be submitted in a Word or PDF format and the subject section of the email should state “SECBI – Expressions of Interest: Project Title.”
See terms of reference, here.
See flyer, here.