Once back in Santiago, we were joined by planning expert Professor William Siembieda, Professor of City and Regional Planning at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Bill has many areas of expertise but foremost for Chile is his experience in disaster impact mitigation and recovery. After a variety of conversations, presentations and discussion with students, faculty and officials in Santiago, our main event was a day-long workshop for mayors and senior staff. The program was designed to encourage conversation on urban issues based on presentations by the mayors. Mayor Becker, Professor Siembieda, Roberto Moris and I each made brief presentations to provide context to the mayors and further stimulate the discussion. Leaders from the major central city districts of Ricoleto, Providencia, Santiago, and Independencia along with the peripheral city of la Florida each made presentations. The main issues were governance structure, lack of financial tools, how to balance local and regional planning roles and citizen participation. The issue of land use and jobs-housing imbalance was also raised, especially as so many trips are generated by the lack of proximity to both jobs and services such as schools and health care.
Everyone agreed that grassroots organizations and community leadership was driving change in the region. The visit coincided with the Catholic University’s approval for a new undergraduate planning program, which Professor Siembieda reviewed and made suggestions on his last trip. This is an amazing and excellent step in South America to recognize planning as a distinct discipline. Finally, a coalition of academics, practitioners and interested individuals are organizing a Planning Association to exchange information and promote all aspect of city planning drawing on the wide range of disciplines and interests in the topic. At the meeting, I offered the experience of the American Planning Association in serving these same interests and our willingness to support the group.
About the Author: Jeff Soule is a Senior ECPA Fellow with the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas. Soule is the Director of Outreach and International Programs at the American Planning Association and is representing the ECPA Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean initiative.