
Spotlight on Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Energy is a critical component of economic development in any country, but this is a particularly pressing issue in the Caribbean, which depends heavily on energy imports and generates most of its electricity from diesel or gasoil. Countries in the region are looking at options to develop domestic energy sources for power generation or transportation services, as well as to incorporate energy efficiency measures. Renewable energy is a key component of energy transformation, but the costs of some technologies can become a barrier.

The workshop—“Sustainable Energy Project Development: Experience, Strategies and Implementation”—will look at some of the past and current projects in the region, as well as specific country requests for support going forward. It will also identify areas in which international development organizations might partner effectively with the countries to coordinate activities and maximize results.

The event will be hosted by the OAS Department of Sustainable Development, as executing agency for the ECPA Sustainable Energy Capacity Building Initiative. This initiative aims to facilitate a transition toward a diversified, low-carbon economy by encouraging Caribbean countries to incorporate sustainable alternatives into their energy portfolios.