
Scientists and Policy Makers to Discuss Impacts of Climate Change on Andean Water Resources

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

On November 20-21, 2013, the Andean Climate Change Inter-American Observatory Network (ACCION), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Andean Eco-region Sustainable Development Consortium (CONDENSAN, for its acronym in Spanish) will host a science policy workshop in Quito, Ecuador to discuss the Impacts of Global Climate Change on Snow, Glaciers and Water Resources in the Andes: Policy Recommendations for Adaptation Strategies”. The event will bring together scientific researchers and policy decision makers to formulate policy recommendations on adaptation strategies geared toward curbing the impacts of climate change on snow, glaciers and water resources. FAO Mountain Partnership Secretariat and the Snow and Ice Working Group (GTNH-IHP) will partner with ACCION for this event.

The scientific intricacies of global warming can thwart government decision-making and render policies ineffective if a robust body of research does not back them. Scientific findings on the impact of climate change in the Andes will drive the policy debate in this workshop geared toward raising awareness among policy makers and enhancing their ability to understand the reality facing natural resources in this bountiful region. Glaciologists, hydrologists, water resources experts, social scientists and policy makers will share their knowledge on ways to improve resource assessments, monitor and communicate the impacts of, and the responses to, climate change on natural and socio-economic environments, create collaborative networks that will strengthen regional research and adaptation activities and exchange best practices conveyed through local adaptation projects. The recommendations of these experts will be compiled as a tool to provide guidance to scientists, policy advisers and decision makers. Additionally, this information will prove useful in developing strategies and policy guidelines on climate vulnerability and adaptation for the countries of the Americas.