
Government of Mexico Hosts First Preparatory ECPA Ministerial Meeting On the Fringes of the International Renewable Energy Forum

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
On May 19-20, Mexico’s Energy Secretariat (SENER) hosted the International Renewable Energy Forum (FIER) at the Mayan Rivera in the State of Quintana Roo. More than 300 energy practitioners and experts from the Western Hemisphere met to discuss current developments in renewable energy. Roberto Borge, Governor of the State of Quintana Roo, launched the event. In his remarks he reaffirmed his State’s commitment to “contribute to the effort established in Mexico’s National Energy Strategy 2013-2027 to reach a 35 percent total power generation from non-fossil sources.”

Secretary of Energy of Mexico, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell, who spoke at the opening ceremony, emphasized that Mexico’s new energy strategy will foster equal access of renewable and non-renewable energy to transmission and distribution grids and promote greater competition and scientific research in generation. Mexico has invested 126 million dollars in three renewable energy centers to advance research and development in wind, thermal and solar energy innovation. “Latin America has recognized Mexico’s leadership in the production of cheaper and cleaner fuels,” said Coldwell. “The nation seeks to expand its renewable energy installed capacity by 33 percent by 2018”, he added. Secretary Coldwell also highlighted that Mexico is the world’s fifth largest producer of geothermal power and that only 24 out of nearly 200 countries are currently tapping this resource.” Dr. Steven Chu, former U.S. Secretary of Energy and 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics, and Dr. Mario Molina, 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, spoke at the event.

During FIER, the Government of Mexico convened a meeting in preparation for the ECPA ministerial. Participating countries took stock of the advances made by the Partnership under its seven pillars since the last ECPA ministerial. Additionally, recommendations regarding ECPA’s future course of action and the potential for synergies with other regional efforts relating to energy and climate were proposed. All governments agreed on the importance of avoiding the duplication of efforts, supporting cooperation and strengthening the region’s energy and climate agenda. In this regard, the government recognized the value of ECPA as a mechanism for allowing more exchanges and dialogue on energy and climate among the countries in the Americas. The importance of addressing crosscutting issues under the seven pillars was debated.

The Government of Uruguay offered to host the second meeting in preparation for the ECPA ministerial. The event will take place early August in Montevideo.