
Clean Energy Solutions Center Offers Critical Assistance to ECPA Partners

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Clean Energy Solutions Center provides reports, data, tools, interactive expert assistance and training forums to encourage and facilitate the transition to a global clean energy economy. Services are available at no cost to all ECPA Partners, government agencies and specialized organizations and institutes assisting governments. Ron Benioff, of the Solutions Center, said that “we are thrilled to work with ECPA, a leader in advancing clean energy transformation in the Americas.” He added that “the collaboration between ECPA and the Solutions Center will provide high value in broadening peer learning and assistance to countries with design of effective clean energy policies and programs”.

“Ask an Expert” is one of the most outstanding features of the Clean Energy Solutions Center. Through this free-of-charge service, the Center provides policy assistance to government representatives, thereby enabling countries to learn from and share policy best practices, data, and analysis tools, fostering an international dialogue on clean energy policies that raises global awareness on emerging issues and innovations. Moreover, the Clean Energy Solutions Center provides an important service by connecting those seeking policy information and advice with policy experts who may help them achieve their goals. The Center’s Ask an Expert service matches policymakers with one of the nearly 30 international experts selected as authoritative leaders on specific clean energy policy topics.

The Center is an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM); the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) serves as operating agent. ECPA and the Clean Energy Solutions Center share the goal of advancing dialogue and information exchange on energy and climate as a means to pursue a healthier environment with low-carbon economic growth.