
Wind Industry Celebrates One Million Jobs

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Global Wind Day 2016 Worldwide, 15 June. Record wind industry growth was reflected in a 5% increase in employment in the sector, which now employs 1.1 million1 people. Today, on Global Wind Day, GWEC highlights the socio-economic benefits generated by the global wind industry, in addition to supplying clean power. Global Wind Day is a […]

Strengthening Environmental Education in the Dominican Republic hand-over event of materials

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The closing ceremony was attended by Timothy McNally, Economic Officer of the US Embassy of the Dominican Republic. He also spoke at the Strengthening Environmental Education in the Dominican Republic hand-over event of materials along with the Ministry of Education staff. The objective of the materials is to give students a better grounding in subjects […]

COP21: UN emphasizes crucial impact of young and future generations to tackle climate change

Friday, December 04, 2015

The halls of the United Nations climate change conference (COP21) grew livelier today as hundreds of participants gathered to mark “young and future generations day,” an opportunity for youth to remind world leaders and negotiators of the need to reach an ambitious climate agreement to secure their future, according to the UN Envoy on Youth. […]

Trinidad and Tobago looks to wind and waste energy

Friday, November 13, 2015

Amendments to the T&T Electricity Commission (T&TEC) Act and the Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) Act are being considered to allow for incorporation of renewable energy. Energy Minister Nicole Olivierre, in her contribution to a recent Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SE4ALL) in Tarija, Bolivia, said these were among steps planned to create the necessary fiscal, […]

OAS Countries Reaffirm Commitment to Sustainable Development

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Following a one year process of dialogue and meaningful exchanges among OAS Member States, which included consultations with civil society and social actors, the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers and High Level Authorities on Sustainable Development concluded in Honduras on October 21st. At the meeting, Member States adopted the Declaration of Tela to promote a […]

Ocean Conservation and Climate Change in the Americas

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Furthering the theme on Sustainable Development after its recent Ministerial Meeting, the OAS co-hosted an international discussion entitled “Our Shared Treasure: Oceans and Climate Change” on October 26 in Washington DC. The 67th OAS Policy Roundtable, sponsored by the Principality of Monaco and National Geographic, gathered expert panelists to discuss challenges and successful practices for […]