FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 20, 2014 Contact: Kirstin Miller, Executive Director, Ecocity Builders USA,, 1-510-452-9522 Fernando Echavarria, US Department of State/OES/SAT,, 1-202-663-2395 Richard Huber, Department of Sustainable Development, OAS,, 1-202-370-4638 Ecocitizen World Map Project to Launch at World Urban Forum in Medellín International collaboration delivers tools for sustainable urban development and links […]
The OAS-ECPA Sustainable Communities in Central America and the Caribbean initiative will co-host the event, “Clean Energy and Transport Solutions in an Urban Hemisphere: Lessons from the Americas.” The objective of this event is to gather international urban planning experts so they can share their ideas for creating similar sustainability initiatives around the world. Managers […]
The Organization of American States (OAS) and a group of public and private enterprises of Panama today agreed to promote the “Green Panama Seal,” an initiative aimed to develop manufacturing processes in harmony with the environment. The agreement was reached during the 9th International Symposium on cleaner production, which took place from Wednesday, March 19, […]
In the framework of the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development, the Regional Office of Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (OREALC/UNESCO Santiago) has joined the partners that are supporting the Latin American and Caribbean “Schools for a Sustainable Future” rally, organized by the Vive con Esperanza Foundation. Entries are free and the deadline […]
Washington, D.C., Mar 19 2014 – Janaki R. R. Avalapati, an ECPA Fellow in the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA), will be traveling Mar 21-23 to participate in meetings and events in Belize including Forest Management & Monitoring Stakeholder Forum. He will also be holding follow on meeting to a previous visit […]
Experienced practitioners from four communities across the Americas will discuss successful strategies and tools that promote the use of clean energy and innovative, practical transportation solutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with these experts to share ideas for creating similar sustainability initiatives around the world. Implementers from San Jose (Costa Rica), Salt Lake […]