General news

Ecuador declares a National Day to Combat Climate Change

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The words ‘change’ and ‘climate’ have probably tired much of the population. They appear in media as news, commercials, series, films and campaigns aiming to raise awareness about the problem. You could say that the name is widespread but no its meaning. According to the Intergubernamental Panel on Climate Change, is the modification of all components of the climate system, temperature, rainfall, among others, compared with historical changes attributed to anthropogenic causes that have led to an increase of greenhouse gases. Carola Borja, Climate Change Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment (MAE), explains precisely why the lack of knowledge on the subject, for that reason today the government of Ecuador declares the first National Day of Climate Change. “The idea is that Ecuadorians take the lead of this problem, stop thinking ‘if I live in a city it is not of my concern, because it only affects the rural area.” Borja added that since 2009 the issue became a political priority of the state and so far information is sought to prepare adaptation plans.

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