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Chile’s Energy Minister leads International Electromobility Seminar for the Americas

Thursday, May 09, 2019

The conference will address the situation of electric mobility in the countries of the Americas, public policies, technical challenges and market trends associated with the implementation of electric mobility, one of the great technological revolutions that will allow combating climate change.

Santiago, Thursday May 9, 2019 – Decision-makers and experts from energy ministries in the Americas, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, financial institutions, academic institutions and research participated in the Conference and High Level Dialogue on Electric Mobility in the Americas: Regional Strategies for Common Challenges.

In her opening remarks, Energy Minister Susana Jimenez said that “we are witnessing how the different sectors of our economies are dedicating part of their efforts to transitioning to cleaner transport systems, increasing energy efficiency and reducing polluting emissions of internal combustion engines”, emphasizing that “the energy component associated with transportation is a key element of this paradigm shift.”

The hemispheric conference -organized within the the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) framework, comprised of OAS member states- was held to facilitate the exchange of experiences and lessons learned in electric mobility to contribute to the deployment of consistent policies, regulations and standards in the region.

In this regard, the Secretary of State stressed that “our governments will have the task of moving forward in a comprehensive agenda of public policy, regulation and appropriate incentives, which considers the different aspects for the adoption of electromobility.” For this, she indicated that “it is necessary to promote a systemic approach and collaborative actions between the energy and transport sectors, among others, to ensure optimal functioning of technologies, electric networks and business models associated with sustainable transportation.”

The conference will be followed on May 10 by a High-Level Dialogue where Vice Ministers and delegates from the energy ministries of Argentina, Barbados, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, United States, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Saint Lucia will focus on identifying collaborative actions for the deployment of electric mobility in the Americas.