[WEBINAR]: Promoting Energy Efficiency Finance: Examples of Tools and Best Practices
[WEBINAR]: Promoting Energy Efficiency Finance: Examples of Tools and Best Practices
12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time | 6:00 p.m. Central European Time
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The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) via the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), International, will host a webinar on energy efficiency finance tools and best practices. The webinar will be held in support of the Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) Ministerial process, and is organized in consultation with Mexico’s Ministry of Energy (SENER) and the National Commission for Energy Efficiency (CONUEE), which leads the ECPA energy efficiency pillar, and with the ECPA Technical Coordinating Unit (TCU) at the Organization of American States (OAS). ECPA, founded in 2009, is a flexible platform for accelerating sustainable energy in the Americas.
The webinar will include two presentations from experts on energy efficiency finance tools and best practices.
The first presentation will provide an introduction to the G20 Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit and will be presented by the technical lead for the development of the tool. Co-chaired and coordinated by France and Mexico, the “Toolkit” is a collaborative effort of the G20’s Energy Efficiency Finance Task Group, with 15 country members, and inputs from the networks of UN Environment Finance Initiative and other partners. It provides a voluntary framework and tools for G20 countries to enhance capital flows for energy efficiency investments in their economies. In presenting and demonstrating the “Toolkit”, the webinar will allow participants to learn from a new perspective on how to address the challenges of scaling-up energy efficiency investments, will provide insights into national policy developments, and will reveal how public and private sector financial institutions are progressing on the energy efficiency challenge.
The second presentation will discuss Green Banks in Latin America and will feature expert presentations from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) on approaches used by green banks to overcome common barriers to energy efficiency investments in the low-income and multifamily housing sector and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) as well as case studies relevant to Latin American and Caribbean countries. Specific challenges to financing energy efficiency investments include: difficulty in perceiving economic benefits, a perception that pay back periods are overly long, and a lack of specialized financing instruments and incipient development of ESCO markets. The cases studies will highlight innovative approaches to financing energy efficiency, good practices, and the enabling institutional and policy framework contributing to success. NRDC will also provide a high-level overview of options for adapting the green bank approach and function to the context of Latin America and the Caribbean.
The purpose of the webinar is to provide policymakers, financiers and energy efficiency practitioners an example of energy efficiency finance tool as well as real world case studies that have proven successful in various energy contexts in and beyond the Americas.
The webinar presentations will be followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.
About the Clean Energy Solutions Center
The Solutions Center, an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial, helps governments and policy experts design and implement clean energy policies by providing no-cost expert assistance, training, policy reports, data, and tools. To learn more about the Solutions Center and how it can assist in meeting countries’ clean energy policy objectives, please visit cleanenergysolutions.org.