Webinar: Brazil’s Energetic 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Webinar: Brazil’s Energetic 2013

Date: December 10
Time: 10am PST (GMT – 8 hours)
Contact: Alexis Arthur


Brazil’s energy sector has continued to capture the headlines in 2013. The year began with a drought and corresponding power crisis, seemed to turnaround on the back of a hugely successful oil auction in May, but then was dashed a bit again as the excitement surrounding the country’s inaugural pre-salt auction in October was muted, with the bid-round attracting less interest than many observers expected. Join the Institute of the Americas for a webinar discussion with John Forman, former director of Brazil’s national hydrocarbons agency, ANP, on what the twists and turns of 2013 signify for the country’s energy outlook, for the pre-salt reserves, and beyond. Forman’s presentation will delve into the results of the Libra pre-salt auction and the latest bid-round, scheduled for November, as well as the prospects for natural gas, and the broader impacts of Brazil’s energy policy for national oil company Petrobras and the nation’s economy. Forman’s presentation will be followed by an interactive question and answer session online.

For more information visit:

Posted By: N/A – Thursday, 05 December, 2013 at 12:00 AM


Dec 10 2013


10:00 - 10:00
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