Seminar on Innovation, Science and Technology for an Energy Efficient Development in Central America.

Monday, September 10, 2012 8:15 AM – 8:00 PM

Seminar on Innovation, Science and Technology for an Energy Efficient Development in Central America.

This seminar is part of the activities of the Energy Efficiency Working Group. The Secretary of Energy (SENER) of Mexico, the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Technological Institute of Costa Rica and the National University of Costa Rica, with support from the Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of American States (OAS), joined efforts with the aim of analyzing the issue of developing energy efficiency in Central America.

The seminar aims to identify major projects and areas of scientific and technological research taking place Central America that are related to energy efficiency and renewable energy. Participants are encouraged to identify areas for regional cooperation in scientific and technological research related to energy efficiency and renewable energy and identify needs and opportunities for funding research projects in science and technology in this areas.


september 10, 2012

08:15 – 08:30


08:30 – 08:45

Opening Remarks
Olger Rojas Elizondo, Dean
Sede Regional Chorotega, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Juan Cruz Monticelli
Senior Energy Specialist
Department of Sustainable Development, Organization of American States

08:45 – 11.15

Scientific and technological research in renewable energy and energy efficiency
-Dr. Suresh Garimella, Senior ECPA Fellow from Purdue University
-Dr. Walter Mérida, Associate Director
Clean Energy Research Center
University of British Columbia, Canadá

11:15 – 12:15

Activities from the electrical research institute in Mexico in renewable energy and energy efficiency
-Julian Adame Miranda
Executive Director
Instituto de Investigaciones Eléctricas

12:15 – 13:15


See press release for more information, or to attend this seminar contact Rosangela Arbieto (

– Juan Cruz Monticelli: Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas
-Dr. Suresh Garimella: Garimella Energy Efficiency OAS 10Sept2012.pdf
-Julián Adame Miranda: Activities from the electrical research institute in Mexico in renewable energy and energy efficiency
Part 1 (Slides 1-26)
Part 2 (Slides 27-56)
-Irena Russak: Programa 4E_Costa Rica_Sep2012_Liberia.pdf
-Walter Merida: Scientific and technological research in renewable energy and energy efficiency

Posted By: N/A – Thursday, 16 August, 2012 at 12:00 AM


Sep 10 2012


08:00 - 08:00
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