Second Virtual Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Sixth ECPA Ministerial
The Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, with the support of the Organization of American States, convenes the second hemispheric meeting of ECPA National Focal Points in preparation for the Sixth Meeting of Ministers of Energy of the Americas.
During the preparatory meeting, a needs and priorities assessment for regional cooperation in the energy transition will be presented. This assessment is the result of numerous consultations with the countries, through the ECPA National Focal Points, and will serve as the basis for the 2030 ECPA Strategy for Regional Cooperation in the Transition to Clean Energy. Additionally, the institutions that will participate in the energy ministers’ meeting will present the thematic side events that will take place prior to the official launch of the ministerial gathering.
About the 6th ECPA Meeting of Ministers of Energy
High-level event that brings together government leaders, private entrepreneurs, energy and development experts, and other key energy stakeholders from Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss, exchange ideas, deepen ties, and establish concrete commitments to drive the transition to clean energy in the Americas.
The 6th ECPA Ministerial aims to strengthen the regional commitment to accelerating the transition to clean energy, in line with the commitments made by heads of state and government at the IX Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles in 2022. Discussions between the public and private sectors will be facilitated through various sessions aimed at promoting investment, enhancing regional cooperation, and exchanging best practices, experiences, and knowledge on key issues.
The first day of the event is dedicated to thematic sessions, networking events, and the official opening of the 6th ECPA Ministerial. The thematic sessions will address critical issues such as private investment in the energy sector, clean hydrogen certification, and energy resilience in the Caribbean. The day concludes with a welcome dinner hosted by high authorities of the Dominican Republic with the heads of delegations from the participating countries.
The second day will include plenary sessions, opportunities for dialogue between ministers, entrepreneurs, and other partners, followed by closing activities. Topics include mechanisms to leverage private investment, the role of businesses in the energy transition, and the power sector’s commitment to decarbonization. The event concludes with a closing session where political commitments and the adoption of key protocols to drive the energy transition in the region are expected.
Working Documents
VI ECPA Ministerial Draft Agenda
Needs and Priorities Assessment for Regional Cooperation in the Energy Transition
Hourly Schedule
- 10:00 - 10:15
- Welcome and introduction
- 10:15 - 10:30
- Needs and Priorities Assessment for Regional Cooperation in the Energy Transition
- 10:30 - 11:00
- Comments from the National Focal Points
- 11:00 - 12:00
- Presentations by Organizations Participating in the 6th ECPA Meeting of Energy Ministers
- Inter-American Development Bank; Latin American Energy Organization; Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean; World Bank; Americas Business Dialogue; OAS’ Summit of the Americas Secretariat
- 12:00 - 12:30
- Comments from the National Focal Points
- 12:30 -
- Conclusions and Closing