Scientific Exchange on Quality of Energy
Scientific exchange to increase knowledge for the technical competence of professionals and to establish the creation and strengthening of services related to quality of energy. The instructor in charge will be Leonardo Trigo, from UTE (Uruguay), and there will be 4 participants: 2 from NMI (Colombia), and 2 from INEN (Ecuador).
This is the second phase of a wider project that is coordinated by the National Metrology Institutes: NMI (Colombia), and INEN (Ecuador), according to the technical capabilities from the institutes of CENAM (Mexico), UTE (Uruguay), and INMETRO (Brazil). The activity falls under the umbrella of the Metrology for Sustainable Energy Technologies and the Environment in the Western Hemisphere (M4SET), coordinated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the United States (NIST), and the Organization of American States (OAS).
Validating the automation of data samples, implementation of the Pogliano algorithm under LabView, evaluating the documentation obtained to measure harmonics, method validation, working in spreadsheets and on corrections, reporting results within a calibration certificate.
Finally, the purpose is to evaluate the metrological capacity of the progress of the method implemented by the International Metrology Institute (INM) of Colombia.