Peace Corps Regional ECPA Workshop

Monday, April 16, 2012 – Friday, April 20, 2012

Peace Corps Regional ECPA Workshop

With support of funding through Peace Corps’ agreement with the State Department on the Energy and Climate Partnership for the Americas (ECPA) a week-long workshop was held April 16-20 in Costa Rica for 20 staff from El Salvador, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Suriname, Guyana, Peru, Nicaragua, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and Panama focused on micro-financing for renewable energy.

The workshop objectives were:

  • record at least three lessons learned, or best practices from other posts or workshop facilitators that will improve the impact of the ECPA program in country;
  • be familiar with new training materials, both generated in PC/W and at post, that will enhance training of Volunteers and HCNs at their post;
  • identify and compare the benefits and challenges of micro-financing options for renewable energy technologies (cookstoves, biodigesters, and solar energy, etc.);
  • develop an action plan, for implementing micro-financing strategies in country, including target technologies, cooperating organizations, support for sector sustainability, and target country outcomes.

Contact Person and Information:
Heather Zissler
Programming and Training Specialist for the Inter-America Pacific Region

Posted By: N/A – Thursday, 10 May, 2012 at 12:00 AM


Apr 16 - 20 2012


21:00 - 21:00
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