LEDS LAC WEBINAR: Low- emission development and energy poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
LEDS LAC WEBINAR: Low- emission development and energy poverty reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean
Ana María Majano. LEDS LAC Secretariat Coordinator, INCAE Business School.
Current context of energy poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
Hugo Ventura. Head of the Energy and Natural Resources Unit, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).
Case of rural electrification with renewable sources in Peru. Pedro Gamio. COP 20 Energy Coordinator.
Case National Strategy for Sustainable Use of Firewood, Guatemala.
María Isabel Cifuentes. National Competitiveness Program (PRONACOM)
About the webinar
Despite great advances on the energy issue, many Latin American countries still face the challenge of providing access to modern energy services to an important percentage of their population, while at the same time conducting efforts to contribute to climate change mitigation.
Renewable energy sources and more efficient technologies have the potential to contribute simultaneously to these two objectives, avoiding or reducing greenhouse gas emissions while reducing energy poverty – manifested in the lack of electricity connections to homes and the use of traditional biomass for cooking.
In this webinar we will get to know the context of energy poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean and the potential of clean energy to contribute to its reduction, together with two practical cases: a rural electrification program with renewable energies in Peru and the elaboration of a strategy to reduce the use of firewood in Guatemala. Both cases exemplify the possibilities and lessons learned in the field and will feed into a discussion among participants.
The webinar will be held in Spanish.
For questions about this webinar, please contact the LEDS LAC Platform: info@ledslac.org.
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