First Virtual Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Sixth ECPA Ministerial
The Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, with the support of the Organization of American States, will host two virtual hemispheric meetings in preparation for the Sixth ECPA Ministerial to convene in Punta Cana on March 14-15, 2024 under the theme “Renewable Energy in the Americas: Integration and Innovation.”
- Provide inputs to the ECPA Ministerial Meeting agenda and the Needs and Priorities Assessment for Regional Cooperation
- Present the new fundamental pillars of the Partnership;
- Deliberate on the objectives of the event
- Present options for private sector engagement.
Through ECPA, countries in the Western Hemisphere exercise shared leadership by exchanging ideas and forging solutions to achieve a sustainable energy future.
While their specific policies and strategies may vary, all the countries participating in ECPA— active members of the Organization of American States (OAS)—share the common goal of promoting cooperation for a sustainable energy future in the Americas. In the same vein, the ECPA Needs Assessment establishes the basis for the six fundamental pillars that guide the program’s initiatives: Cleaner Energy Sources, Universal Energy Access, Energy Efficiency, Regional Integration, Energy Resilience, and Innovation. These pillars are consistent with the document “Accelerating the Clean, Sustainable, Renewable, and Just Energy Transition” adopted by the Heads of State of the Americas at the IX Summit of the Americas held in Los Angeles in 2022, the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, and the Paris Agreement.
Building on this foundation, ECPA supports countries in the Americas in their transitions to clean, resilient and inclusive energy systems by acting as a platform for multilateral coordination, public-private cooperation, capacity building, and outreach.
This is will be the sixth hemispheric meeting of energy ministers to convene under the auspices of ECPA. Previous meetings convened in Panama City (2022), Montego Bay (2020), Viña del Mar (2017), Rivera Maya (2015), and Washington (2010).
Working Documents
VI ECPA Ministerial Draft Agenda
- Mark Lambrides – Director, Department of Sustainable Development – Organization of American States
- Dr. Jorge Rivera Staff – National Energy Secretary of Panama – ECPA Steering Committee Co-Chair
- Antonio Almonte Reynoso – Minister of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic – ECPA Steering Committee Chair
- Juan Monticelli – Chief of Section, Department of Sustainable Development – Organization of American States
- Gaëlle Burkhart (TBC) – Stakeholder Relations – AES
- Rafael Gómez Del Giudice – Vice-Minister of Energy of the Dominican Republic
Hourly Schedule
- 09:00 - 9:20
- Welcome and introduction
- 09:20 - 09:30
- VI ECPA Ministerial
- Process overview, proposed agenda, logistics, parallel sessions, private sector and civil society engagement.
- 09:30 - 10:00
- Private sector engagement: Americas Business Dialogue
- Background and overview, policy recommendations to promote investments in clean energy transition, proposed engagement in Punta Cana.
- 11:15 - 12:00
- Deliberations on the proposed ministerial agenda, fundamental pillars, Needs Assessment, and IX Summit of the Americas mandates
- 12:00 - 12:10
- Closing remarks