Electric Mobility
The Fourth Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) Ministerial Meeting will be held in February 2020 in Montego By, As a lead up to this High-Level Meeting, the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology will be hosting a Roundtable Discussion on Electric Mobility on Friday, January 24, 2020.
The purpose of the event is to raise awareness about e-mobility in Jamaica generally and western Jamaica in particular. The event is also intended to heighten awareness around ECPA 2020. As the country prepares to make the transition to electric mobility there is a need for technical expertise in developing the roadmap, the strategic framework and in determining the policy and infrastructure requirements for implementation.
The objective of this event is to share the progress made to date in transitioning the transport sector in key regional markets away from fossil fuels and to foster dialogue between high level government policymakers and private sector champions and enablers or electric mobility. The event will support the Ministry’s thrust towards electric mobility with a high level dialogue between key stakeholders from the energy, transport sectors as well as members of the Diplomatic Corps of the Americas, development partners, and members of the business community.
- Hon. Fayval Williams, Minister of Science Energy and Technology. Opening remarks
- Dr. Malaika Masson, IDB Senior Regional Energy Specialist will present on Electric Mobility.
- Members of the Diplomatic Community
- International Development Partners
- Private Sector companies
- Public Sector entities (energy and transport)
- Local representatives (Member of Parliament, Mayor, Custos, etc.)
Discussion and Interventions
Hon. Fayval Williams, Minister of Science Energy and Technology, will lead the dialogue with interventions from participants at the table.